A sloth's lifespan is 20-30 years in the wild and a bit longer in captivity. The main predators of sloths are the jaguar, the harpy eagle, and humans. the main cause of death for sloths today is either when they climb into an electrical wire, or poachers who kill them.
Like it says in the video, sloths are a LIVING ECOSYSTEM! WOW!
Some of the closest relatives to sloths are anteaters and armidillos Here is a link to a photo of an anteater Here is a link to a photo of an armidillo
Sloths eat mostly leaves, fruit, and sometimes even insects.
Sloths reproduce with sexual reproduction, they are sexualy mature at 3 years old. Their gestation period is about 160 days. They only give birth to one baby.
The Pigmy Three Toed Sloth's overall extinction rate is Critically Endangered -a tear runs down my cheek-.